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Issue 9.4

Table Of Contents

Issue 9.4 (May/June 2011)

Column Back from Atlanta: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Apple Wireless Keyboard (hardware) (Page 12)
Review Book: Reality Check (Page 15)
Review iApp: Trunk Notes (Page 17)
Feature Georgia Here I Come: At the Real Studio Summit 2011 in Atlanta (Page 19)
Feature The GUI Design GUIde: Building your app's user interface (Page 30)
Feature The Meaning Gradient: Buttons should speak, not process (Page 38)
Feature Your Preferences in Keys: Managing preferences as key/value pairs (Page 49)
Column Printing 201: The basics of printing styled text (Page 72)
Column A Handshake Just Isn't Good Enough: Why a Contract is Necessary (Page 80)
Column Serving SQLite: Using SQLite as a Server (Page 82)
Column App and Session: What's the difference? (Page 85)


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